Short Sea Bulk
Our company Viridis Bulk Carriers is offering forward looking charterers a carbon free logistics solution for their cargoes and has ambitious plans to become the leading short sea bulk company in Europe.

Viridis Bulk Carriers
In 2020, Amon Maritime and Mosvolds Rederi joined forces to create Viridis Bulk Carriers. The joint venture are developing, will build and operate zero emission short-sea bulk carriers. The company are drawing on the expertise, networks and capabilities of each of the partners. Together with Kongsberg Maritime, Viridis Bulk Carriers has developed a fully functional, flexible, simple, robust and cost-efficient zero emission bulk carrier concept. In order to reach large scale adoption, we believe zero emission ships need the same operational capabilities as conventional vessels. Therefore, the short-sea bulk carriers will have range capacity exceeding 3,000 nautical miles.
The company created an industry consortium “Flexbulk – NH3 Power” with industry partners and 7 charterers. The consortium received in 2021 – a 13,8 MNOK grant through the Norwegian Government program – Pilot-E. The Pilot-E program is a collaboration between the Norwegian Research Council, Innovation Norway and ENOVA, designed to support innovative maritime projects from idea stage to full scale realization. The project will realize commercial viability of zero emission solutions through business model innovation and increased ship utilization – based on a significant optimization effort.

The project “Flexbulk – NH3 Power” is closely related to the sister-project “Ammonia Fuel Bunkering Network” project which received 89 MNOK from the Norwegian Green Platform program in 2021. Together, the two projects remove the chicken-and-the egg dilemma for introducing new fuels.
The granted support will expedite technical and commercial development and be an enabler, catalyst and accelerator for introducing ammonia fuel in shipping. Global adoption of ammonia as marine fuel has a massive potential to reduce carbon emissions, since it is scalable to serve the entire deepsea shipping fleet.